Revive restricted areas of circulation and bring back the flow in less than 1 minute.
Don’t stress, if you don’t have time for a long routine—it’s better to do a little something, than nothing at all.
Blood and Lymph circulation go hand in hand and both are inhibited with restrictive clothing and tight bra straps.
Prime the pump by starting in the underarm region and overlap your strokes as you work toward the restricted area. It may feel “itchy” or “numb” due to the lack of movement.
Vibrational “zig zags” over areas of restriction are a great way to regain circulation in the vessel systems and surrounding tissue.
The AXILLARY LYMPH NODES are the focus of this routine!
If you’ve had lymph nodes removed in the underarm, reverse course and sweep downward toward the inguinal area in groin and repeat the “vibrational zig zags” over areas restricted by tight waistbands.
When in doubt, leave it out!
After the first trimester, and if you don’t have any other underlying issues, you can perform this routine if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Always error on the side of caution and discuss the benefits, individual precautions of lymphatic drainage with your doctor.
Be kind to yourself and focus on areas that feel restricted, or sluggish.
Use caution and alter treatment if you have:
Bronchitis: don’t use directly over sternum
Menstruation: can make period heavier
Nevus (Raised Mole): work around
Low Blood Pressure: be careful of over-use, do shorter sessions
Hyperactive Thyroid: do not work on thyroid directly
Do not use if you have:
Active cancer
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Acute infection or inflammation