Try this 5-minute routine for 1 week and share the difference you notice in the comments. Repeat moves as needed for longer routine.
Skincare doesn’t need to be complicated and require a double-digit process with an endless supply of “trial and error” products or include the entirety face.
This quick 2-minute routine focuses on areas that are often congested and lead to a build-up of fluid and cellular waste that contribute to most skincare concerns; #acne, #rosacea #hyperpigmentation, #dullskin #puffyeyes and #darkcircles.
It’s important to start at the base of your neck and move upward and inward (overlapping your sweeps) to clear a pathway for the flow of fluids.
LET THE TOOL DO THE WORK. It’s about staying CONNECTED to the skin and letting the density and texture of the bristles provide a gentle “stretch” and superficial tension. It’s not about the adding pressure.
The Offramp:
When working on the face, be sure to focus on “the offramp,” the pre-auricular lymph nodes or 2-finger width space in front of your ear, and the area just below where fluids tend to pool and lose their viscosity.
If this is the case and it feels tender, looks puffy, or feels “ropey,” it’s a sign of prolonged stagnation and may need additional attention (i.e. kneading with warmed CJB Mushrooms, or herbal poultice to soften and liquify the fluids), before moving onto areas of the face. This is often THE cause and will clear a lot of issues when flowing properly.
Use caution and alter treatment if you have:
Bronchitis: don’t use directly over sternum
Menstruation: can make period heavier
Nevus (Raised Mole): work around
Low Blood Pressure: be careful of over-use, do shorter sessions
Hyperactive Thyroid: do not work on thyroid directly
Do not use if you have:
Active cancer
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Acute infection or inflammation